There are a million and one reasons why coffee should be your go-to drink for breakfast, midday or after dinnner. But before we get into it, wouldn't it be nice to get to know the origins of our relationship with coffee?
If your are one of the curious, read on to find out how this all began.The (Very Condensed) History Of
Roasting And Brewing Coffee
The most common origin story for this cherished bean begins in 700 AD with Kaldi and his goats.
Kaldi was an Ethiopian goat herder and one day he noticed that his goats were acting strangely. They were having a good time, and this was not at all typical for goats, they kinda just hang around doing boring goat stuff. Kaldi noticed that his goats were eating red berries from a tree on his property and deduced that this behavior must be linked to these red berries and this fruit was to blame for their strange conduct.

After confirming his discovery, he shared his discovery with a monk from a nearby monastery who was thrilled to have found something that would help him pray all night. According to legend the monk decided that using the beans for increased energy was wrong and flung them into the fireplace. A lovely, deliscious aroma emerged, and the world's first roasted coffee was born. The beans were ground and boiled soon after, yielding what we now know today as coffee.
Through Trial and Error Different
Roasts Are Developed
There are many different coffee roasts, and it can be hard to choose any one of them from the list. That's because the roasting process is responsible for much of the aroma and flavor of the coffee. The body, sharpness, taste and even caffeine content of your delicious grounds can all be affected by the amount of time you roast the beans.
The following guide will give you a basic understanding of the roasting process and help you decide which roast best suits your needs and taste.
The Light Roasts
These kinds of blends require a minimal measure of time before the main break shows up. They will, in general, hold their underlying oil because they're not presented with a great deal of heat unlike other roasts.
Therefore, light roasts have the highest amount caffeine and sharpness. Since the beans exposure to high temperatures is shortened, some changes inside the bean are delayed, giving light roasts an unmistakable flavor profile. The aridity in light roasts is generally joined by a citrus or lemon flavor, which is appreciated by many.
Medium Roasts
Medium roasted beans are supposed to be well rounded. The aridity and body can vary in a medium roast; however, they're commonly walking the middle ground between acidity and flavor.House Blends, Breakfast Blends, and American Commercial Blends are three assortments of medium roasts. The general American coffee drinker is usually well acquainted with this sort of flavor as it is featured in many popular dining establishments.
Medium-Dark Roasts
The shade of medium-dark roasts is a bit darker than light or medium roasts, with some oil beginning to show on the outside of the beans giving the beans a shiny almost moist appearance.Unlike light or medium roasts, a medium-dark roasted coffee has a more pronouned body. The extended interaction of the beans with heat while roasting leaves behind the familiar aromas of espresso and may have a slight peppery flavor.
Dark Roasts
Dark roasted coffee beans are exposed to heat for the longest period of time causing the sugars to caramelize. Dark roasts give a stronger robust flavor but that comes at the expense of lower caffeine and likewise the most un-acidic of all the espresso roasts.
Once you have chosen the right roast you’ll have a lot of brewing methods to choose from. Fortunately it doesn’t have to cost a fortune to brew a cup of coffee that has amazing flavor and can lift your spirits.
A Short History Of Brewing Methods
Almost 90% of individuals in the world start their day with a cup of coffee, of course, the amount varies with each person. There are an abundance of coffee types, and each has its own individual flavor. It all comes down to the brewing method and your personal preference.
(View Our Collection Of Brewers)
Coffee, has a longer history than cafes and Keurig machines. People have been drinking coffee for hundreds, if not thousands, of years, and they did so using techniques that are familiar now but have their roots in the distant past.
So, let's examine how coffee brewing technology has progressed since it first became popular over 500 years ago.
Modern Brewing Methods
Today necessity, technology, and trial-and-error have provided us with plenty of techniques to make coffee. If you are a coffee fan, you might have a tough time deciding whether you would like an Americano, Mocha, Espresso, or even a cup of Cappuccino.
Below is a comprehensive, but not final guide on the modern-day methods of brewing coffee.
The Espresso Machine
They now come in a variety of sizes and shapes, with several functions and tricks. Don't be fooled by fancy machines the principles are the same. Pressured hot water is forced through a chamber containing finely ground coffee beans and filtered, resulting in a shot of espresso. Depending on your preference and budget you can easily search and get a rundown of the many espresso machines out there.
Moka Pot
Are you between jobs, saving up for a future course, and hence working on a budget? Well, the Moka pot is designed for you.
The Moka pot's three-chambered brew procedure is what makes it so unique. When the water in the lower chamber boils, the steam creates pressure, which forces the water up through the coffee beans and into the top of the device. This method creates a coffee that is crisp and powerful in flavor and almost as concentrated as an espresso.
Cold Brew Steeping
Brewing coffee while steeping is the same as soaking your grounds in water long enough to produce a smoother taste. You can opt to immerse your beans in cold water and let them steep for about 12 to 24 hours.
The result will be a tasty cold brew which is great for the summer months. The flavor acquired in the steeping process is super robust such that once you store your brew in the refrigerator, it can last up to two weeks.
Pour-Over Coffee Maker
The pour-over method is one of the most popular techniques to make coffee in trendy cafes. The convenience and portability of a pour-over coffee maker are unrivaled. It makes a delicate, vivid cup of drip coffee that's best brewed with a flexible kettle for precise pouring control.
This technique best suits delicate beans since the oils filter out of your cup during the process, allowing you to appreciate the subtle nuances of your chosen blend.
(Learn about Pour-Over) (Our Pour Over Brewers)
French Press
The French press method is among the most simple and inexpensive brewing methods available today. First you put grounds into the glass container, then evenly pour boiling water. Take your time as this will allow the grounds to blom and provide a lot of flavor. Stir once or twice gently and let steep for about 5 or six minutes. The amount of time will vary according to your preference so do be afraid to experiment.
Once it’s done you will push down the plunger that separates the grounds from the coffee. The screen used to filter out the grounds is not as fine as the paper filter used in the pour-over brewer so there will be some sediment remaining, but overall this will be a flavorful cup of coffee.
5 Benefits Of Drinking Coffee
Throughout The Day
It's so difficult to imagine a day without it, whether I’m cradling a drink bottle on my way to work or racing out after a morning workout to recharge with a latte.
Caffeine gives you energy, and enjoying a steamy cup of joe is wonderfully relaxing. Is it, nevertheless, healthy to consume coffee?
While over consumption of anything can be problematic enjoying coffee I moderation can have some positive affects.
Makes You Happy
Caffeine, is the magical component that can lift your metabolism and bring you increased energy. It activates the reward and motivation centers of your mind, resulting in a general sense of well-being. With a daily intake of about 3 cups of coffee, it’s possible to evade the late day blahs.
Studies have also shown that caffeine consumption can help prevent inflammation of the brain, which is a primary cause of sadness and depression.
Helps Reduce Mental Fatigue
It's not unusual to feel mentally exhausted after a few too many late nights at work. Drinking coffee can help you regain control of your energy levels and caffeine has been shown in studies to make you feel less tired by energizing your body.
Work-Out Performance is Improved
We've been taught that caffeine dehydrates us, which is one of the main reasons why fitness professionals advise against drinking coffee before and after a workout.
On the other hand, a recent study reveals that reasonable caffeine usage — approximately 3 cups each day — does not dehydrate gym-goers to the point that it interferes with their training.
Coffee also aids in the fight against exhaustion, allowing you to exercise for more extended periods.
Caffeine is a productivity and stamina booster that enhances muscle contractions, decreases the exerciser's sense of pain, and raises fatty acids in the bloodstream, all of which help with endurance.
Helps Prevent Gum Disease As Well As
As opposed to its tooth staining ability, coffee is an excellent tool that helps to protect your teeth. As we are all aware of how brushing your teeth helps prevent tooth decay and cavities, consuming black coffee helps in the same way.In addition, moderate consumption of coffee can aid your gums as it can help prevent gum disease. Remember though, moderation is key.
Weight Management
Coffee contains magnesium and potassium, which helps your body efficiently use insulin, this ultimately helps keep your blood sugar levels in check reducing your cravings for sweet treats curbing between meal snacks.
Take away
Coffee is one of the worlds oldest and most enjoyed beverages. It can lift you up and give you that boost of energy at the end of the day so you can get the job done.
It can also give you that moment you need to slow dawn and contemplate your next move.
In case you’re wondering where to begin here are some simple, time tested recipes you can experiment with once you’ve chosen your favorite roast and brewing method.
6 Different recipes for making coffee
All you need for this classically delicious coffee are shots of espresso and boiling water.- Bubble ⅔ cup of water and pour it into your favorite espresso cup.
- Take one coffee shot or more of espresso and add it over the water.
Macchiato is coffee finished off with milk. It includes three distinct layers ;The base layer is generally the coffee shot; the center is coffee and milk; the upper layer is the steamed milk foam—the foam helps to spice up the sharpness of the coffee shot.
Cappuccino isn't the same as a latte which is delivered with steamed milk foam and hot milk. The fundamental distinction is that a cappuccino is served in a cup instead of a glass tumbler, with more foam and chocolate sprinkled on top.
- Pour one shot of coffee into a cup
- Pour in the steamed milk.
- Spot 2-3 cm of miniature foam on top of the steamed milk.
- Top with some chocolate powder.
Bistro Mocha
- Add one shot of coffee into a cup.
- Add one spoon of cocoa powder or chocolate syrup and stir.
- Add the steamed milk.
- Excessively top off with milk foam and sprinkle some chocolate powder or chips.
An affogato espresso that is designed for warm summer evenings or paired with your favorite pastry.- Scoop one to two spoons of vanilla gelato and put it in a tall glass.
- Pour a shot or two of espresso on top and enjoy!
Espresso powder, ice, and sugar are mixed with water to make a frappe which is like a coffee smoothie.- Take two tablespoons of espresso, sugar, and ice cubes in a blender and blend until smooth.
- Pour into a chilled glass.
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